This is the story of three young women who are in need of help. They all need money.
Maire has landed one of the richest men in Coconut City, her sugar daddy. She also runs an escort service for older men to meet younger women.
Esme has moved to Coconut City to make enough money to help her hometown boyfriend purchase the bar he had always wanted.
Niki is a college student who needs help to make ends meet and pay off her student loans.
I won this book and was intrigued from the day it appeared on my mailbox. Who doesn't dream of someone coming in and sweeping them away. Taking care of all their needs. Although most people do not sell themselves to make this happen but this is exactly what these three ladies have done. I cannot even pretend to understand how these women can do what they so but I do get why they had to.
Mickey Corrigan wrote a great book. I loved the narrator and seriously had no idea who he/she was until they gave themselves away at the end. I had some ideas but wasn't sure enough. I am sorry for how two of the ladies ended up and am not really sure the third one ended up all that happier, but I truly enjoyed getting to know all three of them.
I will recommend this book to all my sexy loving book lovers.
Purchase Sugar Babies
Learn more about Mickey J. Corrigan
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