Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Princess of Park Avenue by Daniella Brodsky

Lorraine Machuchi is a twenty eight year old Brooklyn girl who still lives at home with her mom, dad and brother. She works for her Uncle Carlo and the Do Wop Shop for Hair as a colorist. She and her bosom buddy, Chrissy are still hanging out at the same places they did in high school even though they are 28 years old. Lorraine knows things will change when her long term on-again-off-again boyfriend Tommy marries her. The only problem is Tommy seems to be more off again lately. But during a late night talk, Tommy opens up and tells her how they'll never end up together because she is never going anywhere.

So when her Uncle has her go into the city for a coloring class--her life changes forever. Believing if she can succeed in Manhattan than surely Tommy will finally love her. Lorraine is soon swept up into a whirlwind of high society princesses, fancy parties, and high living...well Tommy sees the new and improved Lorraine--but does the new Lorraine want the same old Tommy? Or will Lorraine finally see her own value?

I have mixed feelings about the book, some parts I really enjoyed and other parts...not so much. I really liked Lorraine and could really understand to some extent her feelings for Tommy. I loved reading her inner dialog as she is holding her tongue from telling off her new boss knowing full well it wasn't like at her Uncle's shop where she always had a job. I also really enjoyed getting to know Don and Matt a little (though wished Brodsky would have focused on their relationship with Lorraine more).

Parts I didn't like. I thought there were a number of time when the book dragged on and nothing was really added to the story. I also found a number of typos which became distracting. I may have an unedited proof, I'm not sure. I also didn't really believe Lorraine would really enjoy hanging out with the princesses so often; she came across as a character who really enjoyed her close deep friendship with Chrissy and the princesses were so superficial.

Overall, it was an enjoyable read.


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