Saturday, March 5, 2011

Life's a Beach By Claire Cook

 A story about a forty something a year old woman, who happens to live above her parent’s garage isn't exactly something I personally relate too. Ginger lives there with her cat, boyfriend and makes jewelry as a hobby/job. Her neurotic parents fighting over what to do over the family home makes the whole living situation down right funny. Add her mysterious artist boyfriend and her accomplished older sister who wants to run Ginger's life as well as keep her busy babysitting her nephew makes you really feel for her!

While taking her funny nephew to and from a movie set, Ginger meets a good-looking gaffer (an electrician) on the set. The older sister in me was excited and yelling "guy number two," but as she struggles with what to do in love she starts taking her jewelry making a little more seriously. Suddenly big sis, Geri joins her on the movie set and the sister roles reverse for a short time and they find away to move forward together.

As the movie wraps up, Ginger realizes what she really wants and begins moving forward with gusto. This was a fun, lighthearted, easy read. If you find yourself headed to the beach throw this novel in the beach bag, 'cause Life's a Beach.

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